This is the documentation of SeisMonitoring.jl
Install SeisIO.jl to Mac M1
Currently we have a problem when adding the SeisIO.jl
using Mac M1 chip. To avoid the error, try one of the options below:
- Option 1. Use the forked version of SeisIO. Type the follwing command in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg; Pkg.add(url="");
- Option 2. Use the Docker container following
- Option 3. Follow (
We need to install the SeisIO.jl
in develop directory:
]dev SeisIO
Then, edit the ~/.julia/dev/SeisIO/Project.toml
such that
HDF5 = "0.12.3, 0.13, 0.14.2"
LightXML = "0.8.1, 0.9"
You can avoid the precompile error for those packages. We corrected these dependencies in the forked version used in the option 1 above.
Type the commands below in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg; Pkg.update();
# Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name="SeisIO", version="1.2.1"));
Pkg.add(url="") # forked version used for the environment including Mac M1
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name="SeisNoise", version="0.5.3"));
The metric above is a stable way to install the packages as the SeisDvv.jl
and SeisMonitoring.jl
are not registered to the General registory, and it may cause the issue when using ]add
in the Julia REPL.
Type ] rm SeisMonitoring
in the Julia REPL to remove the SeisMonitoring.
We created the notebook of the tutorial in a different github repository, SeisMonitoring_Example. You can find how to download the data, remove the transient signals, compute cross-correlations, stack the correlation functions and measure the dv/v.
You can access to the from the badge below:

or read the QR code:

See also the repository of SeisMonitoring_Paper for the post-processing using the dv/v over 20 years at Parkfield.