Processing parameters

Here is the list of processing parameters defined in the mainparam.jl. You can configure the parameters, which is passed to SeisMonitoring.run_job

keydefault valuetypedescription
project_nameprojectStringproject name.
project_inputdir./project_INPUTStringproject input directory which you initiated with init_project().
project_outputdir./project_OUTPUTStringproject output directory which you initiated with init_project().
starttime2004-04-01T00:00:00DateTimeprocess start time
endtime2004-04-03T00:00:00DateTimeprocess end time
sampling_frequency20.0Float64[Hz] Processing sampling frequency. Downsampling is applied when downloaded original data is higher sampling frequency.
freqency_band[0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]Float64Frequency bands to be analyzed.
MAX_MEM_USE3.0Float64[GB] Maximum memory use per core in the environment.
download_time_unit86400Int64[s] Unit time of data request. (e.g. request data for each 10minutes.
download_margin300Int64[s] Download margin to be clipped to avoid edge effect.
requeststation_file./projectOUTPUT/defaultrequeststations.jld2StringRequest station dataframe saved in JLD2. See default_requeststations.jld2
IsResponseRemovetrueBoolTrue if remove instrumental response while downloading data.
IsLocationBoxfalseBoolTrue if using lat-lon box for request.
reg[35.7, 36.1, -120.7, -120.2]Float64minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon
IstmpfilepreservedfalseBoolTrue if you want to preserve temporal files (same size as raw data.)
IsXMLfilepreservedfalseBoolTrue if you want to preserve station xml files.
numstationperrequest1Int64Advanced: number of station per one HTTP request.
outputformatJLD2StringJLD2 or ASDF: use JLD2 if you perform the following processes with SeisMonitoring.jl
RawData_pathdefaultString"default" or absolute/relative path to rawdata. "default" links to project output directory.
IsKurtosisRemovaltrueBoolApply Kurtosis removal.
IsSTALTARemovaltrueBoolApply STA/LTA removal.
IsWhiteningfalseBoolApply Spectral whitening.
freqmin_whiten0.1Float64Minimum cutoff frequency for spectral whitening
freqmax_whiten1.0Float64Maximum cutoff frequency for spectral whitening
Append_alltracesfalseBoolAppend kurtosis and stalta traces to SeisChannel (this increases data size)
shorttime_window180.0Float64Short-time window used to compute kurtosis and sta/lta
longtime_window86400.0Float64Long-time window used to compute sta/lta
timewindow_overlap60.0Float64Short-time window overlap to compute kurtosis and sta/lta
kurtosis_threshold2.0Float64Kurtosis removal threshold (The normal distribution of kurtosis is normalized to be zero.)
stalta_threshold1.2Float64STA/LTA removal threshold (For our purpose, this threshold is smaller than ordinal detection.)
stalta_absoluteclip0.1Float64[unit-of-data] clip the signal above this value (basically for instrumental error.)
fixed_tukey_margin30.0Float64[s] Fixed turkey margin; duration of decay outside of zero padding
IsIsolateComponentsfalseBoolAdvanced: isolating comonents at same station
cc_time_unit86400Int64[s] Unit time of cross-correlation window. e.g. 60*60*24 = 86400 indicates daily-cross correlation.
cc_len3600Int64[s] short-time window cross-correlation length
cc_step1800Int64[s] cross-correlation window step
maxlag100.0Float64[s] Maximum time lag of cross-correlation.
cc_RawData_pathdefaultString"default" or absolute/relative path to rawdata. "default" links to project OUTPUT/EQRemovedData.jld2.
cc_normalizationdeconvolutionStringnone, coherence or deconvolution.
corr_typeCCStringType of correlation: CC (standard cross-correlation) or PCC (phase cross-correlation). See also doc in SeisNoise.jl
pairs_optionSubString{String}["11", "22", "33"]Vector{String}"all" or list of component pairs. e.g. XX, YY, ZZ
chanpair_typeSubString{String}["all"]Vector{String}"all" or list of channel pair type. e.g. auto-achan, cross-achan, cross-xchan
data_contents_fraction0.8Float64Advanced: discard cross-correlation if data fraction within cc_time_unit is less that this value.
IsOnebitfalseBoolApply One-bit normalization.
smoothing_windowlength7Int64Advanced: number of points for boxcar smoothing window on coherence and deconvolution.
water_level0.0001Float64Advanced: waterlevel [0.0 if not applied] on spectrum normalization with coherence and deconvolution method.
cc_bpfilt_methodButterWorthStringFrequency decomposition method. "Butterworth" or "Wavelet".
cc_taper_α00.1Float64Advanced: Lowest tapering fraction for frequency adaptive tapering.
cc_taper_αmax0.25Float64Advanced: Highest tapering fraction for frequency adaptive tapering.
cc_medianmute_max5.0Float64Advanced: Threshold factor of median mute within cc_time_unit. NCF is removed if maximum(abs.(corr[:,i])) > cc_medianmute_max * median(maximum(abs.(corr)), dims=1)
cc_medianmute_min0.1Float64Advanced: Threshold factor of median mute within cc_time_unit. NCF is removed if maximum(abs.(corr[:,i])) < cc_medianmute_min * median(maximum(abs.(corr)), dims=1)
IsPreStacktrueBoolAdvanced: Pre-stacking corrdata within each cc_time_unit when assembling the corrdata for the sake of saving memory use.
timechunk_increment1Int64Advanced: Number of time chunk increment for parallelization: large number is more efficient, but increase memory use.
stack_RawData_dirdefaultString"default" or absolute/relative path to cc directory. "default" links to project OUTPUT/cc.
use_local_tmpdirtrueBoolTrue if using local /tmp diretory. Please set true when running in cluster to avoid massive file I/O.
stack_methodlinearStringstacking method: linear, selective, robust, pws, robustpws are available
collect_stationpairstrueBooltrue if correct station pairs. Stacking without this process does not work.
compute_referencetrueBooltrue if compute reference stack for longterm stack.
compute_shorttimestacktrueBooltrue if compute shorttime stack for continuous monitoring.
stack_pairs_optionSubString{String}["11", "22", "33"]Vector{String}"all" or list of component pairs. e.g. XX, YY, ZZ
averagestack_factor1Int64Integer factor of cc_time_unit for stacking duration. e.g. cc_time_unit = 1day and averagestack_factor=30 provides 30days moving window average.
averagestack_step1Int64Step of averagestack window.
min_cc_datafraction0.5Float64Advanced: discard cross-correlation if data fraction within stacking period is less that this value.
reference_starttime2004-04-01T00:00:00DateTimereference start time
reference_endtime2004-04-02T00:00:00DateTimereference end time
dist_threshold1.0Float64Threshold of distance used for selective stacking.
distance_typeCorrDistStringAdvanced: Distance type used in selective stacking. See for available types.
IsZeropadBeforeStackfalseBoolZero padding outside of coda window using tukey window before stacking.
background_vel2000.0Float64[m/s] Approximation of background wave velocity, just used for coda slicing.
min_ballistic_twin1.0Float64[s] Explicit ballistic time window to remove coherence around zero timelag. This is aimed to remove it mainly for auto-correlation.
max_coda_length60.0Float64[s] Maximum coda window length.
mwcc_threshold0.5Float64mwcc slice coda threshold.
mwcc_len_α3.0Float64moving window size factor (size = (mwcc_len_α/fm)*fs [point]).
min_codalength_α1.0Float64Threshold of minimum codawindow length: min_codalength = min_codalength_α*mwcc window length.
coda_init_factor2.0Float64[s] Coda window starts from coda_init_factor*dist/vel.
coda_minlen_factor5.0Float64[s] Minimumlength is determined by this factor * (1/fm, period of cc) * fs points.
codaslice_debugplotfalseBoolIf plot debug figures for coda slicing.
nondim_max_coda_length30.0Float64Deprecated: nondimensional maximum coda window length
nondim_codamaxlag60.0Float64Deprecated: coda max lag where kinetic energy is evaluated.
coda_energy_threshold-1.0Float64Deprecated: Advanced: Threshold for attenuation decay.
IsAlternateRefChanneltrueBoolAdvanced: Allow for using alternative station channel for reference. (e.g. BP.LCCB..BP1-BP.MMNB..BP1 is used as reference for BP.LCCB..SP1-BP.MMNB..SP1)
keep_corrtracefalseBoolAdvanced: Keep corr trace in CorrData if true. (require the strage to save corrs.)
measurement_methodmwcsStringStretching method for measuring dv/v and dQ^{-1}. "stretching","mwcs","wcc","dtw","dualstretching"
mwcs_window_length6.0Float64[s] The moving window length
mwcs_window_step3.0Float64[s] The step to jump for the moving window.
mwcs_smoothing_half_win5Int64[Points] MWCS smoothing half windown length.
mwcs_max_dt1.0Float64[s] MWCS threshold on dt.
stretch_debugplotfalseBoolIf plot debug figures for streching.
dvv_stretching_range0.02Float64Advanced: dvv stretching trial range for dvv (+- abs(dvv_stretching_range)).
dvv_stretching_Ntrial201Int64Advanced: dvv stretching trial number for dvv.
geometricalspreading_α0.5Float64Advanced: geometrical spreading coefficient to compute Qcinv.
computedqq_smoothing_windowlength10.0Float64[s] smoothing windown length to compute envelope for compute_dvvdqq.